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Giving Back: A Year of Charitable Activities

It is better to give then it is to receive. We have all heard this our whole lives and with age and experience we can truly understand this to be true. Especially in our field of work, after all it is this sentiment that gives our jobs so much meaning. The truth is it gives all of our lives meaning, including your residents. One of the best way to fill their hearts and feed their souls is to help them to do the same for others. Mistakenly, some of your residents my feel that they have less to give due to their age, physical limitations, place of residence, lack of transportation…whatever it is they feel holds them back from contributing to society. However, they have the one thing that is essential in giving to another: time. This workshop aims to provide you with the opportunity to create charitable activities for your residents to participate in the whole year through. Make a game of giving for them…see how many lives you all can light up together for your Great Year of Giving!

Workshop Objectives:
  • Help the student understand the great health benefits that can be achieved for their residents through the art of giving.
  • Create more meaning in the lives of the residents.
  • Create connections between the activity department and other departments, as well as the community.
  • Offer activity ideas for ongoing, yearly charitable contributions and specific monthly activities.
  • Have resources for developing and contributing in other areas of interest to the Activity Director and the residents.
  • Understand how to setup your on charity for a cause that matters to you.

Workshop Content:
  • Health Benefits of Giving
  • Ongoing Activities
  • Monthly Activities
  • Start Your Own Charity
  • Charitable Resources
APNCC Approved:
- 5 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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