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Flower Power: Enhancing Lives Through Gardening

This course will provide the Activity Director (AD) with the reasons that gardening is so beneficial and therapeutic to the aging population. Tending to plants, being outdoors, gardening, and reminiscing about gardening experiences give new meaning to the lives of those who have lost their independence and purpose in life. Many gardening ideas, group activities, event ideas, establishing a garden calendar, and actual projects are included in this course.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Upon completion the student will understand how horticulture benefits the elderly cognitively, psychologically, socially, and physically.
  • The student will understand the importance of implementing programming that creates social connections between residents and their families through gardening.
  • Upon completion the student will have a tool chest of new ideas for starting her own garden in her facility with the help of community organizations.
  • The student will have a variety of gardening projects that may be incorporated directly into her activity programming.

Workshop Topics:

  • History of Horticultural Therapy
  • Benefits of Gardening
  • Activities for the Residents--Active and Passive
  • Starting a Garden at your Facility
  • Safety Issues
  • Events
  • Projects
  • Outdoor Statistics
APNCC Approved:
- 5 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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