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Hosting a Bible Study Course

My desire is to assist you in “Hosting a Bible Study.” I will provide the basics of studying the Bible so that you will have some foundation to be better prepared to share with your residents. Studying the Bible can help you see the hope and joy that only Jesus can bring. I hope this Truth is life changing for you as it was for me. I heard an author on the radio this afternoon describe the Bible so well--“Every story whispers His name.” I pray that you and your residents will benefit from the many resources that I have provided you with to hold your own Bible study that comes alive with the truth of Jesus Christ.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Upon completion the student will understand that the Bible is reliable and is the book inspired by God, written through men, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • The student will be shown study helps to understand the Bible.
  • The student will be able to plan a lesson with the many resources provided.
  • Upon completion the student will be able to hold an inspiring lesson that keeps their residents engaged.
  • The student will be provided a list of Bible study guides, devotionals, hymnals, scriptures/Bibles, ministry resources, and gospel message tools to use with their residents.

Workshop Content:

  • Bible Background
  • Understanding the Bible
  • Planning a Lesson
  • Hosting a Bible Study
  • In-room Ministry
  • Bible Study Materials & Resources
  • Conclusion
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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