Loads of Activities for Bringing Generations Together
Loads of Activities for Bringing Generations Together
By: Allison Lewis Bennett, AD/TXC
By: Allison Lewis Bennett, AD/TXC
The proximity of our family members has changed; it has changed a lot, but our need for one another hasn’t. In fact, the need for generations to interact, to connect, to make life more meaningful is more important than ever before in our fast-paced technological
world. We should be craving intimate connection with people more than nearly any other thing, especially with different generations. Both the young and the old benefit whether they are the closest of kin OR friends from the community. The following
course will discuss some of the innovative solutions to the problem of separation of the younger generation from the older generation in LTC settings, Assisted Living, Independent Living homes, and the elderly in the community at large. A number of
activities are listed as well as personal experiences that were successful in engaging the young and the old.
Workshop Topics:
- Activity Assistant Overview Page
- Understanding the Resident(s) Page
- The Resident Interview (assessment) Page
- Activities RAP Guidelines Page
- Meaningfully Engaged Page
- Understanding Activity Programs Page
- Activity Analysis Breakdown Page
- Multi-Departmental Form Page
- What's Legal? Page
- Activity Terms Page
- Tips Section