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Fun With Numbers

Discover the benefits of using numbers to encourage cognitive stimulation. We’ll discuss how to introduce the games, where to find ideas, and a variety of ways to incorporate number games. We will explore over thirty number games from basic math games to life skill games to puzzles and games. There are ideas for every population from memory care to independent living.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand the benefits of number Games
  • Determine how to best introduce number games
  • Identify different number games
  • Understand the different ways to incorporate number games
  • Identify where to find ideas for number games
  • Describe how number games assist in cognition

Workshop Content:

  • Why Numbers are Important
  • Back to the Basics
  • Mix It Up #1!
  • Life Skills
  • Puzzles and Games
  • Mixing It Up #2!
  • Resources
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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